Mtarfa FC Nursery Volume 1 - Issue 4 | Page 4

Mtarfa FC Monthly Magazine Season 2016-17 Issue 4 October 2016 MQF Levels for each subject The transcript of the SSC&P has always shown the academic results obtained by a student throughout secondary education. This will continue to be so, including the results obtained at the End of Form 5. The results achieved in each subject will now be accompanied by the MQF level achieved for each subject. The MQF level is dependent upon the marks obtained and the track/scheme of the examination paper sat for. As from scholastic year 2014/15, the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education has raised the profile of the Secondary School Certificate & Profile (SSC&P). Students may now be awarded an SSC&P which has an overall accredited rating up to Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) Level 3, and will have the MQF level attained for each subject studied up till Form 5 reported on the transcript of the same SSC&P. This MQF level rating per subject is primarily based on the student’s attainment in the End of Form 5 School Examinations. In summary, the revised SSC&P has the following features: 1. The SSC&P may have an overall accredited rating up to MQF level 3; 2. Subjects studied till the end of Secondary may have an individual accredited rating up to MQF level 3; Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning 3. Formal Learning is being retained as the only requirement to be awarded an overall accredited level; The SSC&P recognizes and reports the different types of learning which occur during the educational journey of students till the end of compulsory education in Form 5. This certificate is being strengthened through the revised criteria that are being adopted. 4. Non-Formal and Informal Learning may increase the overall accredited level of the SSC&P; 5. The SSC&P is being regarded as a Certificate of Accomplishment. Hence the attendance rate will continue to be reported on the SSC&P Transcript but will not be a factor which can affect the overall level of the SSC&P. Formal, non-formal and informal learning will all continue to contribute to the overall MQF level of the SSC&P, but only Formal learning will remain as a requirement for obtaining an overall MQF level to the certificate. Nonformal and Informal activities will contribute to increase the overall MQF level of the certificate. Thu s whilst Nonformal and Informal activities shall continue to be important aspects of the educational life and shall be recorded on the certificate, they will only contribute to increase the MQF level of the certificate. Informal Certificate This refers to students’ participation in activities held outside school hours. Students attending courses or forming part of organisations, clubs, etc., will be accredited for their learning. A maximum of ten (10) regular Informal activities per year that students participate in will be listed in their SSC&P without the allocation of marks. Students will be given the signed and stamped (where applicable) form for their Informal Education from Mtarfa FC Nursery ONLY if they attend at least 85% of the course. Providers of Informal activities are obliged to be registered by the NCFHE. The percentage weighting assigned for each of the three domains of learning (formal, non-formal and informal) in the SSC&P is shown in Table 1 below. Table 2 gives details on the percentage required to reach a specific accredited level. 4