and we want to be a major contributor to helping our clients pass those audits . We ’ ve been working to develop compliance measures for a year , and it ’ s already been a strong competitive advantage for us . We ’ re positive that compliance measures are going to make a real difference in the near future if you want to remain a relevant MSP . We ’ re in an excellent position to be much more influential and helpful in a compliance audit situation , so we ’ re being forward-thinking for our clients in that way .
What Are You Most Excited About For 2021 And Beyond ?
We ’ re really excited to continue maturing as an MSP . If you ’ re doing things right , your processes mature over time , your products become more integrated , your people become better trained , and you become more of a value-based sell . Maturity steps may drive up the cost of your operations , but you should be offsetting those costs thanks to your maturing services . We have the same battle scars as anyone else in this business , but each year that we get more mature , it gets more fun . We ’ re excited about our compliance strategy , our clients ’ continued momentum , and that we ’ re located in Austin , Texas . It ’ s a great place to be .
What Are The Top Three Metrics You Use To Measure Your Business And Why ?
We track all the “ regular ” metrics you would expect , but really , our biggest tool is our client success manager ( CSM ). We hold it in the highest regard because we use it to build , nurture , and strategize with our clients . They ’ re the most important thing to us , and our CSM helps us keep all our projects with them under control . Numerical metrics are certainly important , but these relationships are the most valuable , and they ’ re what we track and pay the most attention to . We ’ re also measuring our success by our ability to give back to our community . We ’ ve always worked with nonprofits , but this year , we were actually able to adopt one called The Seedling Foundation . We provided students with access to computers for their education . That kind of activity is huge for us , and it ’ s become so important to the kind of growth we want for ourselves .
What Is The Top Lesson You Had To Learn That Allowed You To Kick-Start Your Business Growth ?
Every MSP faces unavoidable churn — it ’ s a natural part of your client base that you can ’ t escape . But you can successfully react to it by having a plan to replace those lost clients and continue moving the business forward . You have to have strong marketing and sales efforts just to make up for those gaps . In addition to good sales and marketing to fill that space , if you want to continue growing , you have to have a quality team . We ’ ve learned the hard way how incredibly competitive this industry is , and the Austin area in particular . If you want to attract the best talent , you have to be able to guarantee that they ’ ll have the wages and opportunities they want . The only way you can do that is by knowing exactly how many clients you need to complete your plan of continuity to support your employees . It ’ s all connected .
What Would You Say Is The Most Impactful Technique Or Leadership Style You Follow Or Are Influenced By ?
We truly trust our gut above all else on most decisions , but peer groups full of other MSP owners who can share war stories and insights are invaluable . Seek groups that consist of both business-minded and technology-minded people because both bring value . We also follow the philosophy of hiring people who we know are much better at their job than we could ever be . Then , we give them the autonomy to do that job how they think is best for the business . Every business owner who is worth their salt should be familiar with every aspect of their business because at some point , they should have had to do it themselves , but that doesn ’ t mean they should keep doing it themselves . Having your fingers in everything , especially in those early days , provides tremendous education on how best to grow . At the end of the day , you ’ re the one calling the shots , so you have to be able to trust yourself .
Were There Any Partners Or Businesses That Helped You Along The Way ?
We ’ ll always be grateful to the two partners we had who were very gracious in letting us start this subsidiary MSP from an original business called Loop1 . They ’ re still around and very successful , but we amicably branched from them years ago , and they were an incredible resource who helped us take off so fast . We never would have gotten off the ground if not for that initial union . The partners who we also talk to most days are invaluable to us , especially Kaseya . They ’ ve been huge with helping us get all of our products integrated and have been endlessly helpful and influential in our space .
Do You Have Any Specific Advice Or Words Of Wisdom That You Would Give To Other MSPs Looking To Grow Or Build A Successful Exit For Their Business ?
There is more merger and acquisition activity in this market every day . The amount of communication we get about it is unbelievable , and that ’ s not going to change . So , know which direction you ’ re going : buying or selling . There ’ s no in-between . Either way , you have to start thinking five years ahead and taking risks to better your business one way or the other . You also owe that plan to your clients and your team . Your clients need to know what to expect from you , and your employees need to know what your strategy is so that they can succeed in their own careers . A lot of people are relying on you to be aware of what your own plan is . n