MSP Success Magazine Jan 2021 | Page 10

Company :
Contigo Technology
Year Founded :
Headquartered :
Austin , Texas
Geographic Market :
Central Texas
Top Growth Indicator :
Inc . 5000 List
YoY % Of Growth :
181 % in 2018 , 121 % in 2019
CEO And Founder :
Bryan Fuller
Bryan Fuller , CEO and founder , and Andrew Williams , director of service delivery , contributed to this interview .

How Contigo Secured Massive Growth During The Covid-Crisis

2020 Has Certainly Thrown A Few Curveballs . How Did You Pivot This Year To Address The Business Environment ?
We made some big decisions about how to resell our solutions to address financial concerns . The nature of 2020 made clients much more concerned about costs , and that ’ s not something we could just ignore . So , while we made the deliberate decision to change some of our plan costs , at the same time , we didn ’ t take away any of the value of those plans . We got out in front of this thing by talking sincerely with our clients about their plans , and we helped them prep their IT resources . The reality is that a lot of clients and prospects had their own issues to deal with when everything started , but straight out of the gate , we made it our mission to never lose clients because our service was bad . We worked to make our service better by catering to each and every client ’ s specific needs during this stressful remotework shift , even if it meant eating some costs ourselves so our clients survived .
What Advice Would You Give Yourself In 2019 Looking Back On What You Have Learned In 2020 ?
Security is going to be evolving into compliance , so I would have advised our 2019 business to develop our compliance services sooner . We ’ re seeing many clients get audited by different sources these days ,