MSP Success Magazine April/May 2023 | Page 26

Desensitize Prospects To ( High ) Price
When you visit a Rolex dealer or a Rolls- Royce showroom , you never expect to see balloons , a hot dog stand , and a clown waving a neon-yellow sign promoting a “ BIG SALE today !” That ’ s because their positioning and marketing have set the expectation of expensive luxury . It ’ s WHY people buy a Rolex or a $ 450,000 Rolls-Royce . They are buying status and prestige , not a way to tell time or a car to get around in .
That ’ s not to say you need to take the same position ( although it certainly could be a position to take ). It is to say that your marketing , which is everything a prospect sees and experiences prior to making a sale , can set the stage for them to expect quality , not cheapness .
Many MSPs have the erroneous belief that everyone buys IT on price when it ’ s simply not true . Price is certainly one key component of the decision-making process , but only a very tiny percentage of prospects base their decision solely on price . They ’ re looking at any number of factors , including how professionally you behave , the materials you present them with about who you are and what type of clients you work with , your areas of expertise and competence , reviews and references , the diagnostic process and questions you ask ( or FAIL to perform and ask ), how you present the solution , and how much they trust you can actually do the job well and to their expectations . The ghosts of bad vendors ’ “ promises past ” haunt them , and they are fearful of making ( yet again ) another mistake .
One of the ways you can use marketing to desensitize prospects to price is through the use of a good Shock-And-Awe box , which is a box or folder of materials you send to a qualified prospect in advance of the meeting . Inside should be a number of trust- and credibility-building marketing assets ( reports , books , comparison charts , client testimonials , guarantees , etc .) that demonstrate why a prospect would do business with you . You want to convey in multiple ways that you are NOT the cheapest but the highest value and right for only a select group of clients . My clients have shared their close-rate increases by 20 % or more simply by using this one tactic .
So , was your recent sales failure a MARKETING failure or a SALES misstep ? Was the list bad ? The campaign poorly written ? Or was it the bad experience they had when calling your office or attempting to book the appointment ? Maybe a little of all these . But the only way to solve it is to make sure you knit together your marketing AND sales into a seamless , consistent , and well-designed SYSTEM so every prospect has the ideal experience every time , from the moment they click on your ad to when they sit with you on the initial appointment . ONE mistake in the process can throw a prospect off the trail , leaving you with a no-close outcome . n

Effortless & Effective Endpoint Detection and Response for MSPs

With Datto Endpoint Detection and Response ( EDR ) you can detect and respond to advanced threats . Datto EDR is an easy to use cloud based EDR solution that ' s designed to meet your needs as an MSP .
26 | MSPSuccessMagazine . com • VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3