differentiate and resonate with their audience . So , if you are struggling to differentiate the intrinsic value of what you do , I would advise you to ensure that what you sell is of good quality , but then put your efforts into telling better stories about your company , your mission , and your clients , clarifying and strengthening the MESSAGE .
Miracle Ear
My go-to books on this topic are Made To Stick by Chip and Dan Heath as well as Don Miller ’ s Building A StoryBrand . Both are excellent reads and highly recommended .
Special Bonus For Our Magazine Subscribers !
All the highly successful skin care products today are sold by a story . One of the best brands to study from a marketing perspective is Meaningful Beauty . Their marketing tells the story of a doctor discovering a rare melon that grows in the South of France that doesn ’ t rot or brown like other fruit when cut , then uses it in the anti-aging skin care line they sell , implying that the natural preservative in it will prevent your skin from aging . Sounds a little faux science if you ask me , like the shark cartilage charlatans who claimed that eating shark cartilage will prevent cancer in YOU because sharks don ’ t get cancer , but that ’ s not the point . The product is backed by a celebrity , Cindy Crawford , which just adds to the appeal of the story .
Keep in mind that ALL anti-aging skin care products make the same promise —“ We make you look younger ”— and there are THOUSANDS in the marketplace . Further , the stuff they put in it MUST go on the label , so anyone can copy it . Given that reality , how do you differentiate ? You spin a better story .
If you want to learn more about how to incorporate a story into your brand and differentiate when differentiation is difficult , we ’ re making the full video of Don Miller ’ s session at our 2024 Boot Camp available to all subscribers .
To access this mind-blowing video , scan the QR code , or go to www . MSPSuccess . com / don _ miller
Don Miller
People who buy a Rolex do it to tell a story about themselves in the same way Tesla car owners do . Black Rifle Coffee fans might like the coffee , but they buy because it ’ s a vote for an ideal . TOMS shoes became wildly successful because of their mission story , not because they were the highest-quality shoes ( initially , they were barely more than a slab of cardboard with scratchy burlap fabric on top ).
Robin Robins is the IT industry ’ s most in-demand marketing consultant , sales trainer , and direct response marketing consultant who specializes in developing strategic marketing , sales and lead generation systems for MSPs , VARs and IT services companies .
Ben & Jerry ’ s ice cream . IBM . Nike . Apple . ALL tell stories to sell their products and services . To
Robin Robins is the CEO and Founder of TMT . TMT is the parent company of MSP Success .