MSEJ Spring 2020 | Page 12

I get asked the question “how do I know when to follow up” at least a dozen times a week and, to be honest, it all really depends. It depends on the company and position, the stage of the process that you’re in, and even what time of year it is. There are generally three stages where follow-up could happen and we’re going to discuss each stage, how to follow-up in that stage, and even when not to follow-up.

For any stage it’s important to recognize that it all really depends on the type of position: is it civilian or government, is it a large corporation or small local business? The bigger the corporation the longer the hiring process tends to be, which means that the longer you’ll need to wait before hearing back. And don’t forget to think about what is going on around you. Is it the holiday season, spring break, summer break, did your entire town just go through a massive storm? Chances are, if you are dealing with out-of-the-ordinary circumstances, the interviewer and HR team are as well.

Stage 1: I submitted my application, now what?

If you submit your application and don’t hear anything within 2 weeks you can reach out to the company. For government positions, you’ll want to wait until the posting date has closed as they often don’t begin to review content until the end of the posting date.

Following Up Throughout the Application Process

Written By: Phylicia Vallier