MSEJ October 2016 | Page 13

They might feel that you applied by mistake to the wrong positions and stop opening your resume. Trust me, if you see a person’s name more than 3 times, you remember it.

Q: Can I connect with their employees and recruiters on LinkedIn®?

A: Yes!  I highly encourage connecting and communicating with company employees and recruiters. However, I suggest that

you connect with caution.

Be respectful of how you communicate with them and how often you contact them. Remember, you need to appear professional at all times. Also, be aware of how you are using LinkedIn® (see Jamie’s article on page six for further LinkedIn® guidelines).

Q: What kind of resume paper is best to get noticed? Color or expensive resume paper?

A: With the applicant tracking system and online storage, most companies don’t accept resumes on paper; they ask that you just go and apply online. Unless it is a smaller company that doesn’t have a formal tracking system, you shouldn’t be concerned about selecting the right paper (if you are applying to a smaller company, the following advice still applies).  I would only worry about this once I am going in for the interview. At that point, a nice heavy paper that makes your words easy to read is the best choice (nothing dark or with designs).

Q:  Are there any other ways that I can I get them to notice me?

A: The single BEST WAY I know to get a company to notice you is to demonstrate that you have the right skills to do the job. No tricks. No gimmicks. Just focus on showing how you are the best qualified person for the position.

If your "Get Noticed" plan involves Herald Trumpet-like interventions, you may be overdoing it.

It might be tempting to try sky-writing, but there are much easier ways to get noticed.