As the cost of hiring new employees continues to climb, businesses are investing more efforts in ensuring that candidates applying for vacancies have what it takes to make it in their company’s culture. What used to be a straight sprint to the finish line of landing your new job now resembles more of a triathlon, with requirement after requirement to get to that final stage of hearing you are hired.
In addition to the standard submission of your resume, employers are turning to online questionnaires, in the form of personality and individual skills assessments, to determine your understanding of the required skills and how you feel you rate in accomplishing these tasks. The online questionnaire can make or break your chances, and it is important to understand how the questionnaires correlate with your resume and overall application package.
So, why do companies include an online questionnaire in their application process?
An online questionnaire assists employers in gathering information that normally isn’t included in your online application or resume. How you answer your questionnaire can speak to how you as an employee may fit into a company’s culture based on responses that show your character and work ethic and give employers a more detailed picture of who you are.
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Application Questionnaires -
A Key Part of the Application Process
How you answer your questionnaire can speak to how you as an employee may fit into a company’s culture based on responses that show your character and work ethic and give employers a more detailed picture of who you are.