Practicing Self Care:
Focus on keeping yourself in the equation of your life. When we stop to reflect on the many hats we wear during the day, it can be overwhelming:
wife/husband, mom/dad, sister/brother, daughter/son, aunt/uncle, employee, co-worker, friend, mentor, to name a few.
It is easy to focus on caring for others and forget to take time for yourself. Continuing to take time for yourself will only make you a more productive employee and a happier well-balanced person in your own life.
The only certainty in military life is the constancy and inevitability of change.
You have times where you feel you have achieved the perfect balance, and other times where you are forced to rebuild every element of balance you had achieved from the ground up, brick by brick all over again.
Remember, it isn’t how heavy the load you carry; it is how you choose to carry the load.
Focus on carrying your load with strength, resiliency, and the understanding that it is ok to live in a changing definition of what the meaning of balance is in your life.
Focus on being okay without perfection, creating a system of support that will allow you to continue to grow personally and professionally, and keeping yourself in a positive place both mentally and physically.
Working with these techniques can allow you to feel a sense of balance in all aspects of your life.
but sometimes becoming self-reliant is knowing you have others around you for support. With support comes, balance, and with balance you are able to avoid burn out.