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By: Brent C.

MSEJ Writers Guild Member

Meet Brent

Brent is an active duty service member still making his way around the world, though he’s currently residing in a stateside staff job. He has deployed multiple times, earned an MA in Technical Communication, and plays hockey for his base team. Brent enjoys spending time with his wife and family, especially on their boat or in their garden, and he likes to read and write in his spare time.

On the MSEJ Writers Guild

"The training experience went above my expectations because the instructor provided good feedback and lots of information about publishing. The one-on-one feedback was the most helpful part. I learned a little about my own writing style and habits, and I learned about publishing. Very cool!

I learned a little more about my own preferences for writing and a little bit about the publishing process."

Second, Bolles espouses the importance of pursuing the work you love. The benefits, he claims, are numerous. For example, he states that seeking a job you love will keep you motivated if at first, you find a job that is only partially your dream job. He also suggests that sincere passion shows during job interviews and may help set someone apart from their competitors.

You may be thinking, “Sounds great, but I have no idea what kind of work I love or where I should look next.” Parachute lists exercises, websites, phone numbers, suggested life coaches, career coaches, and tests to help highlight your areas of interest. Some tests, like the Myers-Briggs assessment or the Strong Interest Inventory, are available free at education centers on many military installations.

Although "Parachute" looks like a book that you read cover to cover, the author touts it as a manual, a comfortable genre for military members familiar with tech orders, instructions, and regulations, none of which are normally read cover-to-cover. Though you will learn a lot about job hunting and yourself if you do, it’s just as useful to read and do the exercises that help you with issues you’re dealing with right now. If you have resume questions, complete the resume exercises. If you have trouble with interviews, complete the interviewing exercises. If you have no idea how to start looking for a new job OR if you feel totally prepared and ready to rock, call CASY and, while you’re waiting for appointments, phone calls, and emails, get familiar with all it has to offer.

DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Kimberly Bratic, U.S. Army National Guard Released. Used under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic