MSEJ April 2015 | Page 9

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By: Christina H.,

MSEJ Writers Guild Member

An Outside Link to your Network

As a last step to promote your LinkedIn® profile, you can use the LinkedIn® icon and add it to your email signature as well to cross promote yourself on your other social media accounts like Twitter.

Analytics to Understand your Network

The “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” analytics section is a good place to review regularly in order to understand who is looking at your profile and how they are finding your profile. Besides the aforementioned keyword section, your profile analytics compares profile views and actions taken to previous time periods and also projects future views of your profile. These insights help you to analyze which actions result in greater exposure for yourself. Moreover, the “Get more profile views” section has some useful tips on how to enhance your exposure further.

The Bottom Line

Your LinkedIn® profile is not a one and done resume that you only update when you are looking for a new job. To stay current on LinkedIn®, you should check in on a daily basis, share content, and interact with your network. Update the different sections of your profile regularly and review your profile (at least) every three months to make sure it is up-to-date.

LinkedIn® offers a wide variety of opportunities to promote yourself and your expertise. All you really have to do is dive in and use all the features to your advantage. Your LinkedIn® profile is the resume of the 21st century. Make use of its full potential and don’t forget to continue to promote your achievements and knowledge throughout the LinkedIn® network.

Meet Christina

Christina Hall is a Marketing Manager and military spouse. She received her MBA from the University of Bayreuth in Germany.

She focuses her career on Digital Marketing and currently works for a paid search agency.

When she is not working or spending time with her husband and dog, exploring nature and regional activities, she loves to read and write and tries to give back by helping others.

On the MSEJ Writers Guild

"It exceeded my expectations was a very well thought out program. At no point in the program did I feel confused or not taken care of....The one on one approach also offered the ability to ask questions specifically to your own writing style and get the feedback that you needed."