April 14, First Periodical of Ms. Abilities America, Inc.
individual goes above the call to help everyone find the power from within, and motivate them
to excel.
This award is in honor of Haylie Hughes, the Founder and Director of Angels for the Cause. Haylie
looks at where an individual is, and she tried to encourage them to reach higher and go further
than they ever expected to go. Haylie has a wonderful daughter.
Ms. Abilities Advocacy recognizes an individual who works to advance the advocacy efforts
of individuals who happen to have disabilities. This individual seeks to educate the public
on the abilities of individuals who happen to have disabilities rather than their disabilities.
This individual helps the public understand that individuals with disabilities can be just as
good, if not better, than their counterparts. They help the public understand to put the
person first and not look at the individual based upon their disability.
This award is in honor of Judy Hoit. Judy lives in Iowa City, Iowa. Her accomplishments can
fill a book. Her autobiography, My World Has Access Now is her remarkable story of
surviving and living. In 1954, Judy was the March of Dimes Poster child. She has been the
state coordinator for Ms. Wheelchair Iowa under the Ms. Wheelchair America, Inc.
Program since 1997. She was elected to the Board of Directors of the Ms. Wheelchair
America, Inc. pageant in 1998. In 2004, she became the National Coordinator. Judy
invented the Pakkie, Rescue and Evacuation Device in 2000. She is the President of
Dreams, Inc. Judy has been an inspiration to many woman, and has been an advocate for
all individuals who happen to have disabilities.