April 14, First Periodical of Ms. Abilities America, Inc.
Ms Abilities Perseverance recognizes the individual who happens to overcome obstacles,
no matter how hard they may seem. This individual has shown that no matter how hard
their life has been, they have been able to come out on the other end and still keep on
going. This individual helps others out when they might not see the light at the end of the
tunnel, and strives to encourage everyone to keep going and doing their best through thick
or thin.
This award is in honor of Leketta Vest. She has not had an easy life, yet she has been able
to keep her head up and keep shining the path for many individuals. She is an
encouragement to those who are in the dark, and a beam of light to everyone around her.
She helps everyone see the positives when they might only see the negatives.
Leketta has a love for animals, talented in music, and one who loves to be with her family.
She has a wonderful husband named Larry, a son named David, a daughter-in-law named
Jessy, and several grandchildren.
This individual seeks to empower individuals without drawing the attention to themselves. The