Moving Tips Learn How to Get Organized During a House Move | Page 9
professional first), any firearms you might own, and any alcohol. Best not to end
up loading your car last minute with a full bar's worth of booze and artillery.
You forget fido has to move too
With all of the other things you're worrying about, it's easy to forget that the
family pet needs to move too -- and that's one thing you can't have the movers
throw in a box! Visit your vet before moving day to make sure your pet has
current shots, tags, certificates, and proper identification. If your pet will be
traveling by air or in a car a long distance, ask about travel recommendations,
portable kennels, and motion sickness medication. Make sure you carry the
animal's papers with you, especially if you cross state lines. When you get to
your final destination, reinstate your dog's routine and reward him with a
special treat.
You forget plants have special needs
Obviously, the inside of a van isn't conducive to plant life. Lots of movers won't
handle plants, especially if you're moving more than 150 miles or crossing state
lines. If plant moving gets put on your to-do list, first check with the USDA to
make sure there aren't rules about bringing plants by car into your destination
state (those that have big citrus crops, for instance, may be picky about
incoming plant and potential insect life). A few weeks before the move,