Moving Out of Home - Tips For Young People Moving Out of Home - Tips For Young People | Page 15

 The connection or reconnection of services must be made within 12 months of starting employment at the new location.  Costs associated with selling your home  The sale must be made solely because you changed your usual place of residence in order to carry out employment-related duties.  You must have owned the place when you were notified of the change to the new location.  You must have owned the place when you were notified of the change to the new location.  Costs associated where a home is purchased  You can claim this, provided the following conditions are met:  At the time you were notified of the need to relocate, you owned a home at your former location.  This home was your usual place of residence (ie you lived in the home) prior to the need to relocate.  A contract of sale in relation to this former home must be entered into within 2 years of commencing the new employment position.  The purchase must have been made solely because of the relocation to another job locality.  The new home must be occupied as your usual place of residence.  The contract to purchase must have been made within 4 years of commencing duty at the new location.  Flights to and from your new work location  If not already reimbursed by your employer you can claim the cost of transport to the new location as part of the relocation process.  You can also claim the cost of additional flights to and from your new work location prior to actual relocation for the purposes of finding a home, schools, etc (as part of the relation process) provided you have committed to the relocation.  The flights must be for you, your spouse or your children - other family members do not qualify for this item.  How to start packaging relocation expenses  Pay for your relocation expenses and get a tax invoice/receipt as a record of what you’ve paid.  If you’re a current Smartsalary customer, submit your tax invoice/receipt via the form available on our mobile website.