Moultrie Scene May 2023 | Page 41

“ My favorite part of barbecuing is the camaraderie of the whole weekend ’ s events , hanging out with the other cooks on Friday night and then battling it out on Saturday . We become friends again after the awards , plus the bragging rights ,” Cisneros said .
Cisneros ’ son Camden often travels with him to competitions and offers his taste expertise
“ He ’ s the Ribmaster . He ’ s 10 years old , but he is very , very critical of my ribs . If he says that they need to go in the box , then they go in the box . If he says they don ’ t , then they don ’ t , Cisneros said .
Although cooking at home might be therapeutic and relaxing , Cisneros says competing in a barbecue contest can be stressful . Cisneros , like other cooks , has a precise and particular method to his barbecue from measuring ingredients , applying spices and injecting meats . He has to do this while producing food in approximately seven categories and following a strict timeline .
“ It can be stressful . When you ’ ve got $ 1,000 invested in a weekend , you ’ re competing to win just like any other competition ,” he said . “ You must stay on a timeline . If you fall off that timeline and get behind , it ’ s hard to catch up .”
Cisneros was briefly featured in Food Network ’ s BBQ USA television show ’ s “ Shake Your Money Muscle ” episode . Host Michael Symon visited Tifton , Ga ., for the Rhythm and Ribs BBQ Festival . Cisneros participated in that contest for the fourth time in March 2023 .
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT : Rocky Cisneros , left , started barbecuing in 2018 . Rocky is supported by his wife Erika , and his ribs are perfected by his rib master , which is his 10-year-old son Camden .
Rocky Cisneros , center , was named the 2022 Grand Champion after the Backyard BBQ contest at the 2022 Moultrie Spring Fling Festival . Cisneros competed individually as “ 319 Q .” He placed first in the ribs and Boston butts categories and secured second place in the brisket category and placed third in the sauce contest .
Rocky Cisneros holds up his winning trophies from the 2022 Moultrie Spring Fling and Backyard BBQ Festival . Photo by Kasmira Smith
MAY 2023 MoultrieScene 41