Moultrie Scene May 2023 | Page 21

Kathy Murray , a volunteer at Wonderland Childcare , reads “ The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse ” to Laurie Harper ’ s class . Murray frequently visits to read a book to the center ’ s children . Photo by Kasmira Smith
The Crawfords continue to instill safety and loving childcare into the Wonderland Childcare Center . They have been members of Heritage Church for 10 years and abide by 2 Samuel 22 : 29-33 . “ It of course has not been pleasant all the time , but we have found that our tests are our testimonies ! We love our chosen family and our Wonderland Family ,” the Crawfords said .
Wonderland Childcare Center staff includes Beth and Wayne Crawford , Gina Fountain , Laurie Harper , Joanie Blackburn , Samantha Gay and Debra Jones . Photo by Kasmira Smith
Wonderland Childcare Center is located at 1416 Murdock St in Moultrie and can be contacted by phone for more information at ( 229 ) 985-7089 .
MAY 2023 MoultrieScene 21