Moultrie Scene May 2023 | Page 20

Beth Crawford plays with students from Laurie Harper ’ s class . Photo by Kasmira Smith
“ Mrs . Laurie raised me from a baby . They always have a positive attitude and atmosphere going on with the kids and the adults ,” Saldanhla said . “ I love that it ’ s quality rated , and they went over the top to reach their requirements . There was a waiting list [ at first ], but it was worth the wait .”
The Crawfords and the center staff worked endlessly to be the first Moultrie childcare center to have a Georgia-funded pre-k program and a center that was Quality rated .
Quality Rated is the state ’ s Department of Early Care and Learning voluntary rating system , similar to restaurants and hotels , that assigns one , two or three stars to early mediation and school-age care programs that meet or exceed minimum state requirements .
The center received a two-star rating on its first examination .
“ We were the guinea pigs and it was very hard . It was a hard program . We had to change up our whole entire playground . We had to change our whole classrooms . We had so much construction going on and it was all at the owner ’ s expense . It wasn ’ t anything they paid for you to do . It was by choice but we really wanted to be above and beyond . When this program came out , it was our opportunity to say , ‘ We want you to come in and look at what we do for children ,’” Crawford explained .
Wonderland Childcare Center has been home to several generations of Moultrie and Colquitt County families . Ally and Brandon Mercer planned for their three children – Wyatt , Waylon and Walker – to attend the center , which Ally attended as a child . Photo by Kasmira Smith
20 MoultrieScene MAY 2023