Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 6

| from the editor |

It ’ s hard to beat when a local person or a local program gets the chance to shine on the national stage . Almost every year members of the Colquitt County FFA receive recognition at the National FFA Convention , held in Indianapolis , Ind .

This year , former Colquitt County FFA ’ er ( now University of Georgia student ) Kaitlyn Hart was the star — quite literally , as she received the 2022 American Star in Agribusiness award , one of the highest honors the National FFA bestows . Hart was recognized for her floral design business , Kait ’ s Blossoms , which sprouted from her training in the FFA ’ s floral program at Colquitt County High School .
The program also got regional recognition during the Sunbelt Ag Expo as senior Price Jarvis competed in the Georgia FFA floral design contest .
Read more about the program ’ s success — and its uncertain future — in Kasmira Smith ’ s article in this issue of Moultrie Scene .
April marks a milestone for another local organization too : The Colquitt County Branch of the NAACP turns 50 years old . While the details of the celebration haven ’ t been decided as this issue went to press , the year is shaping up to be one of great change as longtime President Isabella Brooks passed the gavel to Patrick McCray . We take a look back at the group ’ s founding and its efforts in support of the local Black community .
Meanwhile , S . W . A . T . — Sisters With A Testimony — also works to improve the lives of people in Moultrie . Tonita Scott envisioned the faith-based group of women in 2001 but it took six years before the time was right to begin . Since then members have focused on love and support of the community and helping people handle the challenges of daily life . Learn more about this home-grown group of volunteers in this issue of Moultrie Scene .
Moultrie Scene goes a little farther afield to meet up with craftsman Bryan Wynn , owner of Bull & Briar Leather in Meigs . For years , Wynn has been making belts , handbags and other items from animal hides — including cattle ( the Bull ) and rattlesnakes ( from the Briars ). Read all about his enterprise in Katherine Russell ’ s profile .
You can also expect to find Wynn at the upcoming Calico
Spring Arts and Crafts Show March 18-19 at Spence Field . Learn details about the biannual show in this issue of Moultrie Scene .
If you know of other individuals or groups with a story to tell , please give us a call at ( 229 ) 985-4545 or email kevin . hall @ gaflnews . com .
Kevin C . Hall Managing editor The Moultrie Observer and Moultrie Scene


CNHI ’ s Magazine of the Year , 2020 & 2021
Volume 7 • No . 2
Publisher LAURIE GAY
Account Executive JANE BENTLEY
Design & Layout DEREK SCHAPER
Moultrie Scene Magazine is published bi-monthly at 25 North Main Street Moultrie , Georgia 31768 by
www . moultrieobserver . com p : 229-985-4545 • f : 229-985-4548 25 North Main Street • Moultrie , GA 31768
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6 MoultrieScene MARCH 2023