Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 5

Want to RECONNECT with the things you love ? Schedule your FREE hearing screening today ! 229.589.8652

4WAYS Hearing and Vision Work Together

By Laurie Scarrow , Au . D .
We all know that eyes and ears play a huge role in experiencing life ’ s adventures . Seeing and hearing the people , places , and moments that matter createwonderful , lasting memories . What fewer people know is that sightand hearing are intertwined . Here are four reasons to make regular checkups for hearing and vision an important part of your wellness plan :
Hearing actually enhances sight According to aUCLAstudy , bothsenseswork as ateam to help you perceive and participate in the world around you . Study participants ran through a series of trials to correctly identify the direction in which a display of dots moved . Hearing the direction in which the dots were collectively traveling enhanced participants ’ ability to see the direction of the movement .
Visually challenged seniors are more likely to experience hearing loss
A study published in the medical journal JAMA Ophthalmology uncovered links between age-related vision and hearing problems . Makenzie Baker , O . D . of City Optical , Tifton , notes , “ Research shows thateither condition is connected to reduced brain functioning over time . One study found that participants with the most profound vision impairment had the lowest average scores on cognition tests . And hearing-challenged seniors on average may experience significantly reduced cognitive function at least three years before their normal-hearing counterparts .”
Vision and hearing loss accompany cognitive decline
Research shows that either condition is connected to reduced brain functioning over time . One study found that participants with the most profound vision impairment had the lowest average scores on cognition tests . And hearingchallenged seniorson average may experience significantly reduced cognitive function at least three years before their normal-hearing counterparts .
Healthy eyes and ears help you keep your balance
It ’ s pretty obvious that seeing your best helps you stay upright , but many people may not realize that the inner ear also plays an important role in maintaining balance . Conversely , untreated hearing loss could nearly triple your risk of afall , per astudy from Johns Hopkins .
Hearing and vision work together to help youliveyour best life , so remember to keep them both healthy . Contact Hearing Center of Moultrie for a checkup on your hearing .


Local Hearing Care


( And find out how well you ’ re hearing !)

Want to RECONNECT with the things you love ? Schedule your FREE hearing screening today ! 229.589.8652

MoultrieHearing . com
MOULTRIE • 27 8thAve SE Laurie Scarrow , Au . D ., Audiologist
“ As your local hearing care provider , Iamdedicated to providing apersonalized experience for each patient .”
MARCH 2023 MoultrieScene 5