Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 59



DOWN 1 . Switch position 2 . Sidekick 3 . “ You ____ My Lucky Star ” 4 . Deerskin 5 . TV commercial writer 6 . Warm fabric 7 . Flower wreath 8 . Center of worship 9 . Polite 10 . Ripped 11 . Drove too fast 17 . Broth , e . g . 19 . Corn portion 21 . “ Far and ____” 22 . Drum accompaniment 23 . Thanks
24 . Driver ’ s compartment 26 . Harbor ship 28 . Old stringed instrument 29 . Brood 31 . Sweetie 32 . Railroad bridge 34 . Soda choice 35 . Half of a bikini 37 . Hurried 38 . Hooded jacket 39 . Active word 40 . Adored one 41 . Skeletal piece 43 . Tongue part 45 . Alfalfa 46 . Wolfed down 47 . Tie the knot
ACROSS 1 . October stone 5 . Pointed tool 8 . Pretends 12 . Travel expense 13 . Female deer 14 . Circuit 15 . Pet pest 16 . Condensed liquid 18 . Type of duck 20 . Rowed 21 . Crocheted blanket
24 . Rudely abrupt 25 . Electrician , sometimes 26 . Touch lightly 27 . Mischievous creature 30 . Yonder 31 . Center 32 . Sightsee 33 . Up to this point 34 . Metal tooth 35 . Cruel person 36 . Steamy appliance 38 . Arranged beforehand
39 . ____ statistics 41 . Lambs ’ cries 42 . Teacher 44 . Defrost 48 . Came by horse 49 . Sign 50 . Not prompt 51 . Oozed 52 . Garden vegetable 53 . Looked at
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MARCH 2023 MoultrieScene 59