Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 23

“ We wanted to get Black representation in the district , so we [ worked ] with them ,” Brooks said .
The suit was later settled , and the community began to see more African American representation through two Black city councilmen , one Black county commissioner and one Black county school board member , Brooks wrote in an article she submitted to The Observer in 1993 .
The branch received the “ Branch Services ” award at the 1984 regional convention and a certificate of merit at the 1985 state conference .
Although some organizations rally and hold marches to promote their ideals or sponsor candidates , the Colquitt County NAACP does not . The organization prides itself as non-partisan and its efforts “ to fight within the court system ,” Brooks said .
“ We don ’ t endorse current candidates . We want equal rights for all citizens , and that ’ s what we work toward … making things the same for everybody ,” Brooks said .
Brooks has ended her tenure as outgoing president this year and the branch is now under the incoming president Patrick McCray ’ s leadership . Along with McCray serving as president , the
Colquitt County
Members of the Colquitt County branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People held a successful Membership and Voter Registration Drive at Downtown Moultrie ’ s 2022 Spring Fling and Backyard BBQ . Submitted photo
Member-at-Large Tevores Sumlin , Treasurer Shelia Hill , Secretary Stacey Davenport , Member-at- Large Deion Mapp , First Vice President Felicia Carr and President Patrick McCray currently serve on the Colquitt County Branch Executive Committee . Submitted photo
Branch is currently led by Executive Committee members : First Vice President Felicia Carr , Second Vice President Jeron
MARCH 2023 MoultrieScene 23