you go in the summer , you will return with aching arms , perspiration on your brow , and a sense of great satisfaction .
On the topic of wildlife : During any given trip along this river , I have seen at least 15 species of wild creatures , usually twice that . I have seen osprey , bald eagles , and swallowtail kites carving the air with their wings and cries , and I have heard wood duck and barred owl calling in the deep forest . There are turtles , some the size of serving platters , who bask on half-submerged logs in great abundance , one very nearly stacked upon another . Alligators enjoy the sun in their own way , either hauled out along the swampy banks or cruising slowly along the surface of the water . Under the crystalline water one may sight , amidst the weaving vegetation , fish , snails , crabs – and manatees .
If you know of the Wakulla River at all , it is likely due to the fishing or these beautiful , charismatic creatures . The manatee come into the river year-round , though as I understand it they are more abundant in the winter . I ’ ve often seen groups of them browsing together , five or seven , a handful of mothers with nursing calves – wonderful to see when I am on a paddle with my own mother . Though I cannot recommend you approach a manatee close enough to touch them , as this would interfere with their rest or feeding and might frighten them , there is no harm in drifting within a few meters ’ distance to observe their gentle movements , to see their peaceful eyes , and to hear the soft , delightful puff of air they release when they come to the surface to take a breath . A pair of binoculars would bring you even closer .
By the last week of March it is already warm enough to swim in the Wakulla , by my standards . Though there are no public docks along the stretch of the river between the two bridges , and only a modest pull-out by the bridge , places to moor one ’ s vessel and rest for a time can be found . There are few things more satisfying than enjoying an iced tea dripping with condensation and a cold sandwich while resting in the sun . The float back down the river , back towards the ocean , is easy after the initial paddle against the current . When the conditions are right , one may simply drift along , letting the river carry the vessel .
68 MoultrieScene JUNE 2023