Moultrie Scene January 2023 | Page 13


Loved Ones With Hearing Loss Might Want You To Know

By Laurie Scarrow , Au . D .
EMPATHY IS APPRECIATED If you feel annoyed , please put yourself in my shoes ; I ’ mtrying my best and need your support .
IT ’ S EXHAUSTING Sometimes Ineed abreak — and some alone time — from constantly filling the gaps in my sound clarity .
COMMUNICATION COUNTS You may not realize how frustrating this is for me — and vice versa — but discussing it together can help .
NOISE CAN BE STRESSFUL Helping me choose quieter seating at loud venues and speaking one person at atime can go along way .
IT ’ S NOT STUPIDITY OR RUDENESS Hearing , especially in noisy situations , can be challenging ; I ’ m not ignoring you or lacking intelligence .
I NEED FACE TIME Reading lips helps me flesh out missing sounds , so please face me , and avoid talking from behind .
NO NEED TO YELL If I missed what you said , try rephrasing and enunciating clearly rather than yelling .
CHANGE ISN ’ T OVERNIGHT Both the brain and ears need time adapting to hearing technology , so have patience as I progress .
EMPOWERMENT MATTERS Rather than speak for me , let ’ s ensure I heard the question , so Ican speak for myself .
HEARING AIDS AREN ’ T LIKE GLASSES Sounds come in much better , but hearing clearly in noisy environments may still take extra effort .



An estimatedone outof five Americanslives with hearing loss , making it more common than you might think . Does listening seem harder than it used to be foryou or someone you care about ? Don ’ t wait . Contact our caring team to schedule a hearing evaluation today !

229.985.3277 ( EARS )

MOULTRIE • 27 8thAve SE MoultrieHearing . com
LaurieScarrow , Au . D . Audiologist
JANUARY 2023 MoultrieScene 13