MotorPunk October 2013 | Page 55

MORE LETTERS Still emails, not letters, strictly speaking. We’d love to hear from you at [email protected] LETTER OF THE MONTH Dear MotorPunk, I’m writing to you to share my total disbelief in your bumbling incompetence. In September’s Car Club 18-30 banger rally article you completely got my name wrong you buffoons. My name is Andy, you talked to me on the trip and addressed me using said name, so why oh bloody why do you refer to me as ‘Sean’ (AKA ‘Gay Luke’s muse’)? This was my 15 minutes of fame, and your sloppy editing robbed me of that glory; this was my perfect moment, and you ruined it. I’ve flirted with the idea of changing my name to Sean but decided this seemed unfeasible due to the cost of replacing my named sunstrip on the Cortina Crusader. And on the subject of me being ‘Gay Luke’s muse’: I’d just like to add that it was a hotel admin error leading to us sharing a double bed. We were very drunk and it was a chilly night; I consider that matter closed. Please post a formal apology in your next edition, ideally showing a full page picture of my face, accompanied by my name in a bold font. I’d suggest Arial or Times New Roman. None of that fancy foreign nonsense. Regards, Andy Cooper Rich replies: A rare slip in our normally flawless proof-reading, Andy, on behalf of the team I offer our sincere apologies. Here is the picture you requested. (right) 55