MotorPunk January 2014 | Page 14

bus is king. A late bus equals a bus driver losing money so they basically didn’t stop for anything, sometimes not even passengers, who could be seen running alongside trying to hang off the people already hanging off the bus. In India missing the bus isn’t an inconvenience; it’s a life saver. Occasionally, in amongst the motorbike, a child perched on the petrol tank, seemingly oblivious to the road wars going on all around. It’s surprising how quickly you acclimatise to the local conditions when your well-being depends on it. Team Ring of Fire regaled the tale of how they outmanoeuvred he became so incensed that he’d been beaten at his own game that he resorted to suicidal moves in order to save face. Unfortunately, his bid for supremacy ended in disaster when he it unloading luggage into his path. As we headed south the landscape became particular stretch of deserted road along the East coast, the one-upmanship began. First up was the Reggae Ambassadors who cruised past driving from the back seat. Not to be outdone rickshaw to rickshaw leap. During this time naked. In a desperate attempt to regain the crown the Reggae Ambassadors decided to tarmac surf on a bamboo mat whilst hanging out the side of their rickshaw. Unsurprisingly our w