MotorPunk January 2014 | Page 13

THE WORLD’S FIRST EVER AUTO - RICKSHAW RALLY SAW TEAMS FROM ACROSS THE GLOBE COMPETE IN A RAUCOUS ROAD TRIP FROM COAST TO COAST OF SOUTHERN INDIA. A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY IN EVERY SENSE. IT’S NOT EVERY DAY YOU RIDE AN ELEPHANT AND GET PICKPOCKETED BY A MONKEY. THIS IS RICKSHAW RAMPAGE. I n the darkness of the interior you could just make out hours into a sixteen hour coach journey. Everybody was Just when you’d got into a momentary state of calm, the coach would lurch sideways with a blare of the horn as yet another lorry came straight at us on the single track road with full beam on. How ironic to die now in an air-conditioned Volvo when we’d just spent two weeks crossing eggshell. This was Rickshaw Rampage, a mission to cross India On a hot and humid evening in Chennai a motley collection of competitors began to gather, most of whom hadn’t the Canada, and a few places in between. The local interest in the event was huge – in fact it was a national story, but strangely very few locals were taking part. Did they know something we didn’t? The next morning amid a clamour of news cameras, the beach in downtown Chennai. In a haze of blue smoke the competitors weaved up the road still trying to get to grips with the gear change on these part moped, part car, part sofa moments it was like being in a gigantic pinball machine. threaded itself through the narrowest of gaps. In the downtown streets the scene resembled a classic movie chase as we piled high with water melons and piles of cardboard boxes. The Russian team thought they’d played a masterstroke by disappointed when it proved particularly effective at having absolutely no effect. In the motorised food chain, the local 13