Motorcycle Explorer Jan 2016 Issue 9 | Page 17

popular Carrick Bridge for salmon fishing and the bridge was initially built by fishermen to check their nets. Initially a simple rope construction, it was first replaced by a more sturdy rope bridge and then in the year 2000 by the current bridge which is reinforced with metal cables and has a strong wooden platform on which visitors can walk. The bridge is open only from February to November. For the rest of the year you can visit and see it but you cannot cross it. Parking is free. From the parking lot the bridge is located about 20 to 25 minutes walk away. If you want to cross the bridge you need to buy your ticket in a kiosk located on the edge of the car park and on the place where the pathway to the bridge begins. The downside of this is that you have to decide in advance whether you just want to see the bridge (which is free) or whether you want to cross it (in which case you Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0