Motivation letter for IBCoM Final Essay | Page 46

The process of an effective advertising campaign | by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen | The main question of this essay is: ’What is the most effective form of advertising for the youth and how does this work?’ This is a complex question, at which an answer cannot easily be formulated. That is why we divided our question into two parts: ’How does the proces of creating an advertisement work?’ and ’What is the most effective form of advertising?’ ! How does the proces of creating an advertisement work? The creating proces of an advertising campaign is very large, but there are some similarities between the proceses of the companies Unilever, Sans Online and Broekhuis Optiek. Brainstorming is a very important part of the creating proces. Speed is also one of the things we see in every creating proces. Further, the target group and message have to be very clear before making an advertising campaign. The age of the target group is for an international and a national company very important, but a local company does not focus on a specific age. There is no set proces for creating an advertising campaign, every company does it his own way. ! At an international company like Unilever, they work together with a lot of various agencies. Unilever only heads the whole proces, but the creativity comes from other companies. ! At a national company like Sans Online, they usually make the advertising campaigns by themselves. But when they need an advertising campaign for television or radio, they put an advertising agency into action. ! At a local company like Broekhuis Optiek, they mostly use supplied advertising campaigns, but the most important form of advertising for a local company is ’mouthto-mouth’ advertising campaign. ! What is the most effective form of advertising for the youth? We will now answer the other part of the question: ’What is the most effective form of advertising for the youth?’ The companies, we interviewed, learned us a few things about the effective form of advertising. For example, Unilever told us that they use the ABC-method to check if an advertising campaign is effective or not. So ’Awareness’, ’Branding’ and ’Communication’ are the main things for an effective advertising campaign. Broekhuis Optiek told us that the local companies live off mouth-to-mouth advertising campaigns. And GB10 Communications thinks that participating an advertising campaign is the best way to sell your products. Further they find t