Motivation letter for IBCoM Final Essay | Page 25

The process of an effective advertising campaign | by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen | General On Monday ninth September we had an interview by telephone with Patricia Jaspers from GB10 Communications. Everyone at this company has a lot of duties, because GB10 Communications is a pretty small company. Therefore, they can switch easily with each other and all have their own talents. Mrs Jaspers is hired as a copyrighter, so mainly she amuses herself with texts and further as an account executive, so she is also a kind of project manager. ! As we mentioned earlier, GB10 Communications is a full-service advertising agency, but also a communication agency. Mainly they help big brands, like Gillette, Pampers, Heinz and some others. For these brands they focus on the shopper’s behaviour in the store. How does the shopper walk through the store, what are the choices of the shopper based on and how can we ensure that the shopper will buy the product? This is called Call2Action. ! Call2Action is connected with a lot of communication, so your product must be clearly visible in the store and on the shelf and your message (think about an offer or a new product) or target group (for example women) will come through. By this navigation and information, you can activate the shopper into buying your product. By means of this system and the speed of the communication, GB10 Communications distinguish themselves from other advertising campaign and communication agencies. ! Moreover, they work at campaigns for on the Internet, in the stores and on the street. They make commercials, websites and package. Next to that, GB10 Communications prefers to work with multinationals, because these companies mostly work on the same level. ! The advertising campaign process Guido Brouwer is the creative director of GB10 Communications; he has a big network and an account manager. They call around the network for their orders. Further they approach the market proactive, which means that they are looking where they might help companies. They have done this at the flower market for example. Mr Brouwer saw that the flowers were presented very messily and that the message did not come through. Then he contacted the producers and the traders and he invented 'the flowertower'. ! So Mr Brouwer brings in the orders. Then