The process of an effective advertising campaign |
by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen |
In this essay we will be discussing the question: ’What is the most effective form of
advertising for the youth and how does this work?’ Before entering the beautiful world
of advertising, we would like to explain why we have chosen for this subject and what
you will be reading in this essay.
Why this subject?
Advertising plays a big role in the current society. We both grew up near a big city
where we were surrounded by advertisements; at the busstation, in the window
displays, on the streets and even on our clothes: brand names and products were,
and still are, everywhere! Some brands cannot be avoided, everybody is talking
about them, everybody is wearing/using them and everybody is loving them, while
other brands have so much trouble getting customers. Why is it that some brands
seem so popular, while similar brands are so unknown? What do the popular brands
do differently than the unknown similar brands? And how can advertising help in
bringing your brand and your products on the market?
This question interested us so much, that it became the subject of our essay. Of
course the subject ’advertising’ is a very wide subject, therefore we narrowed it down
a bit. We wanted to focus on the things companies can do in the advertising proces
to make their advertising campaigns more effective. What are the things advertisers
focus (or should focus) on when they are making an advertising campaign?
Advertising campaigns are not only of big importance for companies who want
people to get to know their brand and products, but they are also very important for
free newspapers, Internet websites, like google and youtube, and public
broadcasters, like RTL, as their whole income depends on advertising campaigns.
Without advertising campaigns, they would have no income and therefore, they
would probably not exist. Because of that advertising campaigns are of social intrest.
Our experiences with advertising campaigns
As we both grew up in a society in which we were being
bombed by advertising campaigns, we quickly found out
that sometimes advertising campaigns can be to good to
be true. Advertising campaigns have to compete with
each other. Therefore companies and advertisers will
always make their advertising campaigns stand out from
the rest using bright colors and catchy slogans. If nothing
else works, advertisers start exaggerating their slogans,
like you see in the advertisement of Maybeline in image
This could lead to disappointment. When we were
younger we bought many products, because they
Image 0.1 The consumer knows
that that the lipstick will not stay
on for 24 hours, but still
Maybeline uses it as a slogan in
their advertisement.