MOTIV-8 MAGAZINE 4th edition | Page 6

Will power could be dened as; v The ability to control or reject unnecessary or harmful impulses. v The ability to arrive at a decision and follow it with perseverance, until its successful accomplishment. v It is the inner strength that enables you to refuse to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits v It is inner power that enables you to overcome inner and external resistance and obstacles. v It is the antidote to laziness and procrastination. Our current sphere of existence is one that is decient in quite a good number of areas, precisely amongst the youth populace. This has made our generation still one with potentials, with the world yet to come to the full realization of these potentials. The average young person lacks these qualities and those who do, use them sparingly. Discovering and fully hernessing the willpower in you will unlock you to a new operational level in virtually all aspects of your life. You see, you always have a choice. Nothing takes you unawares. Do you want to win? Do you want to have the medal of success hang round your neck at the end? Then make use of your will power, for it is indeed, your win power. Below, are a few characteristics of Strong will power. By carrying this out you put to play, your strong will power. They are: -Focus: You will win, in life, when you are able to fully dedicate yourself to every goal of yours at the specic time being. It denitely won't be easy. Some good and bad distractions will pop up, but it's your place to put it into control and go on in your pursuit. You see, the young lion could not have a meal when he chased everything. But he had a sumptuous meal when he focused on one and made a big catch. He exerted a strong will power by pursing just one zebra, in the midst of hundreds of others. -Discipline: Everyone has the ability of self discipline. It's in our DNA. But only a few activate it. The speed at which you will arrive at your desired destination. Is determined by your rm ability to say no, and sometimes, Yes, to some things..... And mean it all the way. The young cub needed to practice self discipline, in order to enjoy his rst 'self-made' meal. v Sacrice: Trigger your will power. Discover the great heights you can climb with the power of sacrice. Is it by sacricially taking out some things out of your life, or sacricially bringing in new things? You've got the capacity to do that, It's in you! Of cause it may be painful but for that future you envision, it'll be better for you, I , and everyone around if you 'Just do it' v Diligence: In a society terribly void of the virtue of diligence, you could be a shining light by choosing to exude it in all you nd yourself doing. It is easy to be mediocre but not so easy to be excellent. You could prove them wrong. You've got the will power, remember? v Resilience: Everyone will fail, at a given time. In your quest at climbing life's ladder, it is inevitable that you will fall sometimes. Even gravity makes room for what ever goes up to fall down. But the difference between you and the rest will be how you react to your fall. Put in the spirit of resilience which is a prior characteristic of will power, when next you fall. Yes, you might fall, but choose not to remain there. A great future awaits you.....just put in you bullet of strong and positive willpower, pull your trigger, and take a shot at it! You will get there. 5