nce, there lived a lion cub. He
grew up feeding on his mother's
milk until he was of an age to start
looking for his own meat. Like every
mother in the jungle, the lioness took her
time to intimate him on what to expect
when he was out there alone. He was told
the animals he could possibly prey on and
of course, the few predators he had to ee
from on sight.
And so, armed with his mother's words and
the erce, ancient spirit of his ancestors in
his blood, he set out to hunt some game.
After going a long way, he met a herd of
kangaroos. Swiftly, he pounced on the
group. But poor little lion, he saw so much
meat that he was confused on which one
to pick and he lost all of them. He went
back home sad with a huge frown on his
face. His mother asked what transpired on
the eld and he narrated it to her.
She gave a big smile and tapped her son's
My dear', she said, stroking his head
gently. 'When next you go out there, learn
to close your eyes.'
The cub was surprised. How would he get a
catch if he had his eyes closed? His mother,
sensing his thoughts, disrupted him.
'You literally don't have to close your eyes.
But you should take your mind off all the
animals. Pick just one, chase it, and you
will denitely have your meal.'
The next day, the young lion set out again
to hunt for game. Unknown to him, his
mother followed him secretly and watched
him from a distance. This time, he met a
herd of zebras. He took a deep breath,
picked a young one and jumped on it
swiftly while the others scampered for their
lives. And there, the young lion had his rst
meal! His victory put a very big smile on his
mother's face.
Do you know God's greatest gift to you? I
see you try to guess. But you see, it may not
be that which you think. It is, denitely not,
that pretty or handsome face of yours that's
complemented with that nice body. It isn't
too, your rm ability to soothe hearts with
your voice or reset minds with your words.
In summary, it doesn't lie in your gifting,
appearance or ability. Your greatest gift
from Good, is your will power! Get the