He’d say “sorry mom” and give me hug. He responded well to knowing that mommy explained what was wrong and was back to playing and being well behaved. We can crush a childs spirit sometimes and not even know it, or mean to. You can easily discourage a
child by reacting inappropriately to their actions. Sometimes what you think was bad behavior wan actually a misunderstanding on
your part. Stop REACTING and pay attention. Take a moment and think about how to appropriately respond to the situation. It will
ultimately help YOU and your child. It’s a common thing I believe, to react. However, it can really have a much more negative impact
than you think. Especially if it’s done repeatedly. We must exert a level of patience when it comes to kids. I know, I know, that’s
sometimes much easier said than done, but it is important to keep in mind.
Correction has to be enforced and sometimes reinforced at a later time with children. They are just children. I’m learning to have
mercy on my children, just as God shows us mercy each day. God doesn’t always scold us or beat us up for our wrong choices. We do
pay for them in some way, but it’s Gods way of teaching us. Just because they are small children, does not give you the right to tear
them down be it physically or emotionally. I implore you to THINK sometimes instead of just REACTING. Show love, show mercy and
teach your children when appropriate. Knowing you’re child will aid you in knowing how to appropriately discipline them in the moment when it’s necessary..
What I found to be a good read on discipline can be found at:
While all methods may or may not appeal to you and your household, take what you can from it.
Written By: Adale Mitchell