re Their Knowledge
Saskatchewan (November 2019); Cleve-
land, Ohio (July 2019); Steubenville, Ohio
(July 2019); Little Rock, Arkansas (July
2019); Marquette, Michigan (August 2019);
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (September 2019);
Trenton, New Jersey (October 2019); Kear-
neysville, West Virginia (November 2019);
St. Louis, Missouri (November 2019);
Rochester, Michigan (November 2019); and
Columbus, Ohio (December 2019).
Anita Houghton, part-time faculty, pub-
lished a book, As For Me and My House, to
inspire and strengthen parents in their role
as spiritual guides for their children.
Dr. Daniel Keating, professor of theol-
ogy, presented a lecture on “The Adventure
of Discipleship” Men on Fire, Brighton,
Michigan (June 2019). Offered a workshop
on Gender Ideology to the Eastern Ortho-
dox Youth Movement in Beirut, Lebanon
(July 2019). Presented a series of confer-
ences on “The Adventure of Discipleship,”
Church of the Divine Child (August 2019).
Presented a paper at the Evangelical-Catho-
lic National Dialogue on “Catholic Social
Teaching: Orientation and Overview,” (Oc-
tober 2019), and a lecture on “Understand-
ing Gender Ideology,” Christ the King
Church (November 2019).
Dr. Mark Latkovic, professor of moral
and systematic theology, served as Theo-
logical Expert for Archbishop Vigneron’s
“Note” on Same-Sex Attraction (Summer
2019). Served as a Reader for three Sacred
Heart M.A. theses. Gave four talks to the
St. Frances Cabrini Men’s Group, Allen
Park, Michigan (Fall 2019). Served as a con-
sultant on several projects, including as a
peer reviewer of an article for the National
Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (November
2019). Gave a talk on “Historical vs. Clas-
sical Consciousness in Moral Theology”
at the Lunchtime Colloquium at SHMS
(November 2019). Received a Certificate
of Competence in Online Teaching for the
course Faithful Practices of Online Chris-
tian Educators (November 2019).
Dr. Ralph Martin, director of graduate the-
ology programs in the New Evangelization, Dr. Donald Wallenfang, professor of
theology and philosophy, monographs:
presented at Ecumenical Conference, Nantes,
France (July 2019); East Coast Clergy Confer-
ence, Wheeling, West Virginia (July 2019); ID
9:16 Young Adult Summit, Brooklyn, Michi-
gan (August 2019); National Priests Retreat,
Malta, Europe (September 2019); Archdio-
cese of Miami Annual Clergy Convocation,
Miami, Florida (September 2019); Diocese of
Lansing Biannual Deacons and Wives Convo-
cation, Ypsilanti, Michigan (September 2019);
Annual TV Production, The Choices We
Face, Ann Arbor, Michigan (September 2019);
SHMS Symposium breakout session and pan-
elist (October 2019)*; Seminar on Critical
Theological Issues, Dr. Michael McClymond,
Renewal Ministries, Ann Arbor, Michigan
(November 2019); Annual Men’s Conference,
Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania (Novem-
ber 2019); Day of Reflection, Legionaries
of Christ Clarkston, Michigan (November
2019). Chapter published, “The Priestly Shar-
ing in the Prophetic Ministry of Jesus: It’s Im-
plications for the Formation of ‘Missionary
Disciples’ According to the New Ratio Funda-
mentalis,” in Priestly Formation and Integrative
Healing ed. James Keating, (Omaha, NE: The
Institute for Priestly Formation, 2019), 23-42. Metaphysics: A Basic Introduction in a Chris-
tian Key (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books,
2019) and Phenomenology: A Basic Introduc-
tion in the Light of Jesus Christ (Eugene, OR:
Cascade Books, 2019). Edited book: John
C. Cavadini and Donald Wallenfang, eds.,
Global Perspectives on the New Evangelization,
Vol. 2: Evangelization as Interreligious Dia-
logue (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications,
2019). Book chapters: “Introduction” in
Global Perspectives on the New Evangelization,
Vol. 2: Evangelization as Interreligious Dia-
logue, ed. John C. Cavadini and Donald
Wallenfang (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publi-
cations, 2019) “Dialectical Truth between
Augustine and Pelagius: Levinas and the
Challenge of Responsibility to Superabun-
dant Grace” in Global Perspectives on the
New Evangelization, Vol. 2: Evangelization
as Interreligious Dialogue, ed. John C. Ca-
vadini and Donald Wallenfang (Eugene,
OR: Pickwick Publications, 2019). Pre-
sented at “Broken and Blessed” Ministry
Day, Diocese of Youngstown, Louisville,
Ohio (October 2019). Presented, Called
and Chosen: The Concept of Vocation in the
Work of Saint Edith Stein, Secular Discalced
Carmelites Meeting, Akron, Ohio (August
2019). Attended seminar, “Contempla-
tion, Phenomenology, and the Vocation
of the Business Leader,” St. John Institute,
Annunciation Heights Retreat Center, Es-
tes Park, Colorado (November 2019).
Dr. Michael J. McCallion, Rev. William
Cunningham Chair of Catholic Social Analy-
sis, attended The Society for Catholic Liturgy
Conference where he presented a paper titled
“As the Parish Goes so Goes the Family,”
(Fall 2019) and The Society for the Scientific
Study of Religion where he Chaired an Au-
thor Meets Critic session on the book Wor-
ship as Community Drama by Pierre Hegy (Fall
2019). Dr. McCallion also gave a short reflec-
tion paper at Sacred Heart Major Seminary’s
theological symposium* and a presentation
to the Adult Learning Institute at Oakland
Community College on “Intercultural Race
Relations” (donation to St. Jude’s Food Pan-
try in Detroit). Dr. McCallion continues to
conduct research on the Liturgy, particularly
older people’s remembrances about the shift
in the 1960s from the Latin Mass to the Novus
Ordo or New Mass of Vatican II.
Rev. Pieter vanRooyen, assistant profes-
sor of theology, presented a mini-class and
preached an eight-day retreat for Mission-
ary of Charity Sisters in Toluca, Mexico.
Published “The Fruit of the Mass Accord-
ing to Maurice de la Taille: A Reply Con-
cerning Regular Concelebration” in Anti-
phon 23.2 (2019) 185–197.
* “Enter Through the Narrow Gate: the
Urgency of the New Evangelization in
the Third Millennium,” hosted by Sacred
Heart Major Seminary (October 2019).