SHMS Faculty Shar
Philip Blosser, professor of philosophy,
published reviews of Thomas Aquinas and
His Predecessors: The Philosophers and Church
Fathers in His Works (Washington, DC: The
Catholic University of America Press, 2018)
by Leo J. Elders, in CHOICE Current Review
for Academic Libraries (June 2019); “Clear and
Dispassionate,” a review of The Case for Litur-
gical Restoration, ed. by Joseph Shaw, Preface
by Raymond Cardinal Burke (Brooklyn, NY:
Angelico Press, 2019), Amazon Review, June
18, 2019; Virgin, Mother, Queen: Encounter-
ing Mary in Time and Tradition, by Robert L.
Fastiggi and Michael O’Neill (Notre Dame,
IN: Ave Maria Press, 2019), Amazon Review,
November 24, 2019; and Dare to Believe: My
Journey out of Homosexuality, by Robin T. (De-
troit: Bowker, 2019), Amazon Review, Septem-
ber 11, 2019.
Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway, profes-
sor of spirituality and systematic theology,
was the moderator and responder to Bishop
Daniel E. Flores’ keynote address: “Medita-
tions on Evangelization and the Charity of
Christ,” and moderator of the Panel Presen-
tation, “Through the Narrow Gate,” at the
Sacred Heart Seminary Theological Sympo-
sium.* She was invited by Ave Maria Press
to formulate and be the editor of a book on
Sexual Integrity and the Spiritual Life. She
has enlisted several men and women from a
variety of vocations and backgrounds to share
their professional and personal stories regard-
ing what the quest for authenticity looks like
as they seek to integrate their sexuality into a
healthy spiritual life. The book will be pub-
lished in 2020.
Dr. Robert Fastiggi, professor of systemat-
ic theology, was keynote speaker at a confer-
ence of the Society of Catholic Liturgy, Provi-
dence, Rhode Island (September 2019). He
led a breakout session at the SHMS theologi-
cal symposium* (October 2019). Speaker for
a Catholic-Muslim dialogue on family mat-
ters held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church,
Dearborn (October 2019). Gave a paper en-
titled “Suárez, The Natural Law, and the Lim-
its to Religious Freedom” at an international
colloquium on The Iberian School of Peace:
Natural Law and Human Dignity (16th-17th
centuries) held at the University of Coimbra,
Portugal (October 2019). Spoke at a dialogue
on the “Jewish-Catholic Relationship: Past,
Present and Future,” Prince of Peace, West
Bloomfield , Michigan. Dr. Fastiggi is the co-
editor, along with Jane F. Adolphe and Mi-
chael A. Vacca, of a volume entitled Equality
and Non-discrimination: Catholic Roots and
Current Challenges (Eugene, Oregon: Pick-
wick Publications, 2019). He is the co-author,
along with Michael O’Neil, of Virgin, Mother,
Queen: Encountering Mary in Time and Tradi-
tion (Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press,
2019). He is the author of a chapter entitled
“Faith and Revelation: Theism” in Theism
and Atheism: Opposing Arguments in Philoso-
phy, edited by Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. and
Graham Oppy (Farmington Hills, Michigan:
Macmillan Reference USA, 2019). He con-
tributed a chapter entitled “Francisco Suárez:
Religious Freedom and International Law”
in Francisco Suárez (1548–1617) Jesuits and the
Complexities of Modernity, edited by Robert
Alexander Maryks and Juan Antonio Senent
de Frutos (Leinden: Brill, 2019). He is the au-
thor of two chapters in The Oxford Handbook
of Mary, edited by Chris Maunder (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2019).
Rev. Charles Fox, director of graduate
seminarians, Presented “Friendship with
Jesus in the Eucharist” at Theology On
Tap hosted by the Archdiocese of Detroit’s
Office for Young Adult Ministry (Septem-
ber 2019). Gave a talk at the Archdiocese
of Detroit’s Catechetical Conference for
Teachers, entitled, “Whom can I trust? Re-
newing Our Confidence in Christ and His
Church During a Time of Crisis.” (Septem-
ber 2019). Presented: “More than Memory:
Christ’s Promise of Life After Death” at the
“Pizza and Theology” night for young adults
hosted by the religious order Miles Christi
in South Lyon (November 2019). Published
two articles in the most recent edition of Un-
leash the Gospel Magazine: “The Eucharist:
Source of Our Life In Christ,” and, “The
Eucharist: Summit of All Our Aspirations.”
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Winter 2020
Published “Dying and Rising with Christ:
On All Souls Day,” and, “Evangelizing with
the Courtesy of Christ” in Catholic World
Report. Published many articles for Detroit
Catholic, including, “How Should Catholics
View the ‘New Age?’ Yoga? Reiki? Karma?
Crystals?” and, “A ‘Sorrowful’ Band of Mis-
sionary Disciples? The Role of Suffering In
Dr. John Gresham, director of distance
education and online learning, Taught the
course “Mystery of the Liturgy: Receiving in
Celebration and Life” for the Institute for
Priestly Formation Summer Program of Spiri-
tual Formation for Diocesan Seminarians,
Omaha, Nebraska (July 2019). Gave a work-
shop on Christology for the Lay Formation
Program of the Archdiocese of St. Louis (No-
vember 2019). Gave a presentation, “Answer-
ing Pope Francis’ Call: The Special Ecumeni-
cal Mission of Charismatic Renewal” at the
National Leaders and Ministries Conference,
St. Louis, Missouri (November 2019). Co-
taught online course for Sacred Heart faculty:
Faithful Practices of Online Christian Edu-
cators (An introduction to basic pedagogical
principles and practices for designing and
teaching online courses) (Fall semester 2019).
Dr. Mary Healy, professor of Sacred Scrip-
ture, spoke at a clergy conference for the Dio-
cese of Erie, Pennsylvania, (October 2019);
and a clergy event at St. Paul Seminary, Min-
nesota, (November 2019); led a retreat for the
Brotherhood of Hope, Boston (July 2019);
and gave a seminar on deliverance ministry
for the Missionaries of Charity in Gallup,
Minnesota (October 2019). She gave keynote
addresses at the Catechetical Congress of
the Diocese of Rockville Center, New York
(September 2019); and at the Archdiocesan
Bible Summit in New York, New York (Sep-
tember 2019). Presented “Dieu a tant aimé le
monde: la solidarité entre Dieu et les hom-
mes” at a colloquium at the University of
Toulouse, France (September 2019). She also
spoke at conferences in Rome, Italy, (June
2019); Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, (June 2019);
Teresina, Brazil, (September 2019); Bruno,