MOSAIC Spring/Summer 2022 | Page 20

( L-R ): Monroe Knights of Columbus # 1266 Grand
Knight , Julian Rios , with seminarians Evan Alatorre , Alexander Kouris , and Deputy Grand Knight ,
Deacon Tracy Esper .

A “ Different Kind of Disciple ”

The annual Desert Formation Dinners were finally back in person after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19 . This year , 10 desert meals were hosted by various parishes and Knights of Columbus groups , including the Monroe Knights of Columbus # 1266 .

Grand Knight Deacon Tracy and his wife , Crysti Espers , co-chaired the Feb . 12 event at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Monroe .

“ We think that many people were looking for a fun evening out after making it through the pandemic ,” the Espers explained . “ After learning about the desert meal , people became interested and were very generous in supporting the goal .”
The Desert Dinner is a fundraising event to support the Seminary ’ s
Desert Formation Experience , a 30-day spiritual pilgrimage first-year graduate seminarians make each year to the Holy Land . There , they experience firsthand the places Christ walked and taught , suffered , and died while seeking his guidance in their own walk toward the priesthood . The seminary ’ s goal for the experience is to ensure that the priestgraduate of the seminary is a man of strong character and deep spirituality .
“ Our whole life in Christ is a pilgrimage from this world to our heavenly homeland . Sacred Heart ’ s
annual pilgrimage gives our seminarians an experience of intense prayer , discipleship , and community life as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus and some of the greatest saints of our Church ’ s history ,” explains Father Charles Fox , Vice Rector and Dean of Seminarian Formation for Sacred Heart . “ The pilgrimage gives a strong boost to the priestly formation of our seminarians , as they draw close to the Lord and closer to each other , all while praying for our supporters , family , and friends back home .”
20 Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Mosaic | Spring / Summer 2022