The Desert Formation Experience costs roughly $ 200 per seminarian per day ($ 1,500 per week ). The Espers ’ goal for the dinner was to have 100 people attend the event and to raise $ 5,000 , “ We were blessed to have a sold-out event with 174 people attending and raising $ 10,000 ” explained Crysti .
The evening opened with a cocktail hour and an opportunity to look over the gifts on the raffle table . The guests were then led in prayer before dinner by Father David Burgard , a priest serving St . John and Crysti were inspired to host the dinner for the school that shaped so much of their life experiences .
“ As alumni , we wanted to give back to the seminary because of our positive experiences in our degree programs ,” they explained , “ Sacred Heart is a special place for us , and chairing the desert meal seemed like a more active way to support priestly vocations .”
Crysti , who graduated in 2020 with a Certificate in Catholic Theology reflected , “ Sacred Heart prepared me the focus for the seminarians attending the trip as well . “ Between the pilgrimage and the 30-day retreat what we see is this amazing transformation ,” explains Bishop Gerard Battersby , former Vice- Rector at Sacred Heart Major Seminary , “ The guys go from a certain callowness to a depth that they really couldn ’ t get to on their own . And so allowing these men the opportunity to go to those places where myth begins to recede in the reality of Christ ’ s incarnation , the reality of Christ ’ s teaching , his death
Instead of traveling to the Holy Land , due to the travel challenges resulting from the global pandemic , this year , Sacred Heart seminarians will travel to Rome and other pilgrimage sites in Italy following the footsteps of St . Peter , the early Church , and the saints .
the Baptist , St . Mary of the Immaculate Conception , St . Michael the Archangel , St . Charles Borromeo , and St . Anne parishes . During dinner , seminarians Ivan Alatorre and Alexander Kouris gave a presentation on their upcoming trip . There was a door prize drawing where the winner won a beautiful statue of St . Joseph . Finally , the Espers introduced a fundraising game called “ Hearts and Tails ,” ( a play on heads or tails ) where guests purchased heart necklaces to participate in an elimination game until there was one winner left . On the way out , guests received a heart-shaped cookie and a big thank you for attending .
Sacred Heart alumni , Deacon Tracy to serve in area parishes throughout the Monroe Vicariate , but especially at my home parish . The classes that I have taken online were both rewarding and challenging . I found the theological discussions with my classmates to be both enlightening and enjoyable . I think Sacred Heart is such a beautiful and peaceful place to be .”
“ Co-chairing this event was not only a way to support the Desert Formation Experience but another way to reach out to our community as a deacon couple and as missionary disciples .” Deacon Tracy who graduated with an Intermediate Diploma in 2017 adds .
Stronger missionary discipleship is and resurrection are emblazoned on their hearts ; it produces a different kind of preacher , it produces a different kind of evangelist , it produces a different kind of disciple .”
For the Espers , investing in this “ kind of disciple ” is an honor . “ As Father Henri Nouwen said : ‘ Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission ,’” they explain , “ The best reward was bringing the community together – both businesses and parish families – to support seminarians and their pilgrimage to the Holy Land and / or Italy .”
Knight Jay Jondro hosted a table for the Jondro-Flint families . shms . edu 21