MOSAIC Spring 2017 | Page 40

SACRED HEART NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE M AJOR SEMINARY PAID 2701 Chicago Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48206 DETROIT, MI PERMIT #2977 You're Invited! Archbishop's Gala, Friday, June 16 MARK YOUR CALENDAR MAY 1-10 8 12 19-21 23 29 JUNE 3 16 19-23 21-22 24 26-30 Late registration, spring/summer terms Classes begin, spring term MAPS Day of Reflection, 9 AM Discernment Weekend Priests’ Barbecue, 5 PM Memorial Day offices closed/ no classes Detroit presbyteral ordination, 10 AM Archbishop’s Gala Catechists Topics Final exams, spring term Graduation, spring term Catechist Topics AUGUST 1-31 Registration, fall term 9 Candidacy Mass, 11:15 AM 12 Graduation, summer term 15 Commuter student registration deadline, fall term Feast of the Assumption 22 Faculty orientation 23 Rector address/faculty and staff luncheon 24-25 Seminarians orientation 25 Seminarian barbecue, 6 PM SEPTEMBER 1-12 Late registration, fall term 4 Labor Day, no classes/ offices closed 5 Classes begin, fall term 5-7 ILM Welcoming Social, 5:30 PM 8 11 18 19-20 29 Mass of the Holy Spirit, 12 PM ILM Welcoming Social, 8:30 AM ILM Welcoming Social, 5:30 PM Desert Golf Classic Jr. High Vocation Days Ministry of Reader installation, 7 PM OCTOBER 6 Ministry of Acolyte installation, 7 PM 8 Donor Mass and Brunch, 10 AM 10-11 Jr. High Vocation Days 14 ILM Undergraduate Formation Day, 9 AM 18 Mass for Commerce, 8 AM 20-12 Discernment Overnight 31 Halloween Community Event WHAT’S HAPPENING AT SACRED HEART? JULY 4 10 27 Independence Day, offices closed Classes begin, summer term 1 Classes begin, summer term 2 Keep up at @shmsdetroit