Will You Help to Ensure
the Future of the Church?
The Legacy Society recognizes alumni and friends
who have included a gift to Sacred Heart Major
Seminary in their estate plan or other planned gifts:
simple bequests by will, insurance policies, and
charitable trusts. Many of these plans offer substan-
tial financial and tax-saving benefits, often comple-
menting an overall estate plan.
We would be grateful to include you in the Legacy
Society Roll of Honor. Contact Darren Hogan,
313-596-7404 or [email protected] to discuss
ways to include Sacred Heart in your estate plans.
Anonymous Donors
Rev. Msgr. Albert C. Allen †
Charlotte R. Allore †
Robert and Anne Baker †
Edward J. Baldwin Trust †
James L. Barrett †
Rev. Ralph V. Barton †
Rev. Donald E. Bartone †
Rev. Mitchell Bednarski †
Francis J. Begue †
Rev. Paul C. Berg †
Doris M. Beusterien †
Stanley J. Biczak †
Rev. Melvin C. Blanchette, SS
Rev. John A. Blaska
Rev. Thaddeus J. Blaszczyk †
Rev. Robert H. Blondell
Rev. Frederick A. Bodde
Eleanore Bogan †
Russell S. Bohn
Rev. Anthony F. Bologna †
Lawrence and Margaret Bonnici
Halina and Edward Borkowski †
Nellie Boucher †
Rev. Thomas J. Bresnahan †
C. Jack and Jo Ann Brinkman
Rev. Msgr. George T. Browne †
Joyce Bujak
Francis Burger †
Mary Burger †
Geraldine M. Calvenna
Rev. Msgr. Francis X. Canfield †
Rev. John F. Child
Rev. James E. Curtin †
James Damitio
Rev. Msgr. Ferdinand J. De Cneudt †
Margaret DeSantis †
William and Patricia † Dick
David and Mary Doherty †
I. Marie Donohoe †
Rev. Michael A. Donovan †
Waldymyr † and Lena Dubriwny
Louise DuCharme †
Veronica Easton †
Joseph A. Ebel †
Martin and Rosalie Edwards †
Ann Isabel Eicher †
Rev. Msgr. Gerald A. Flanigan †
Rev. Msgr. Edmund A. Fournier †
Brian and Tamra Fromm
Alfred and Diane Gade
Edward and Elizabeth Goliber †
Richard Guy
Robert † and Donna Hagg
Rev. Msgr. Patrick Halfpenny
Most Rev. Donald F. Hanchon
Bernice M. Hanrahan †
Rev. Msgr. Dennis Harrity †
Rev. David W. Harvey
Marie Hawkey †
Margaret A. Henehan
James and Jacqueline Hicks
Warren and Florence Hines †
John Hubacek †
Rev. John L. Hubert †
Joan H. Kaiser †
Rev. Lawrence Kaiser
Rev. Msgr. John C. Kasza
David and Valerie Kelley
Ralph L. Kelley †
Rev. James P. Kenneally †
Adeline Keohane †
Dorothy M. Kirchoff †
Florence B. Klausing †
Bernard and Antoinette Knittel †
Daniel and Britni Knoerl
Rev. Edward F. Konopka †
Rev. Gary Koenigsknecht
Rev. Todd Koenigsknecht
Edith M. Kovach †
Rev. Paul Kreimes †
Donald Kresmer †
Rev. Jerome L. Krieg †
Rev. Donald B. Kuntz †
Peter Kurzy †
Donald and Madonna Labelle †
Henry L. Labus Family Trust
Mary M. LaDuke †
John † and Gail Lajiness
Rev. Msgr. Todd J. Lajiness
Sanford and Cecilia Lakin
Raymond † and Pauline Leduc
Marie Leonard †
Raymond Litka †
Frank Lukash