Morgan Product Catalog circa 1992 1 | Page 7

Children ~ Balloon Flight T he Children', Balloon flight prol'id young gu .1.' and their adult companion' a: n aUanal flying experience not offered on otll I' children's rid . After being secured in their irnulated wicker baskets, they are lifted up and vung out in a circular patlem. The center is then tilted to give the colorful balloon an elliptical flying motion. This spectacular ride will add 10 an al1lusem nI facilit)" by creating a focal poilll ,1Ild phuto opportunity that nothing eLe on (he market can offer in this affordable eI ass of equ ipmcn t. Children s Hand Car J oung peapl .)-9 years of age will 10\" this "Kid Power" eli sic ride. \10 electric, hydrauli c or water power reqUired, Sturdy ore car tllemed vehicles are e~ ily l1laneuver~ around a low friction. teeltrack course. ell. 10m them and lavoulS are a\'ailabl . Y