Wood Coaster Trains
classic woo:\ coaster becom a more nsational ride \\~th
train from Morgan.
Morgan off ~ important features which utilize Ihe latest
technology. Welded alloy .Ieel chassi ar built for trength and
durability. Individual molded bucket seats with high backs and
lumbar delent are provided for maintaining the rider'- sa~
po ilion. For reslraint s~. tem . \'lorgan orfe~ ither single
position locking lapbars or multi-ratcheting individual lap bar.;.
Both have redundanllocking mechanisnL Morgan f alures
raised leller logos for Ule lead
coach on each train.
Steel Coasters
organ presents the Mine Adv nlure Co: I r.>. Excil menI
for the entire family deliv ring h'll.. mooth, thrilling.
Iwisting.luming, reaming Hi !!.
1\'10 standard layouts. the Gold ~Iine and the Silv r ,\line are
olTered; however custom layouts of any length are 31. 0 avai!:lhle.
Both Antique \1ine Car and modem coach are available. Our
y lems can operate willl one or two train. de nding on your
capacity requirements.