Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 9

Let it become a part of you. And in doing so, you will begin to believe because everything that goes into making you is also the same fairy dust and sparkles that goes into helping you to believe. And you will trust what you believe, because it is part of you and at your core, you know the truth because it echoes through your being. Now you can go ahead and start haring with the rest of the world. Afraid? You probably should be, but trust me, it’s a passing phase. Why? Because, as you get stronger taking risks and acting on your beliefs, it becomes easier to conquer the fear. Even when you’re not completely successful, you at least can dissect your experience and appreciate the lessons. What’s the end game? That part is entirely up to you. You can soar as high as possible, or plummet headfirst, crashing and burning if you lose yourself. There are no shortcuts. It is necessary to do the work and to always expect the unexpected. It’s the willingness to go ahead and do something even though you might be really, really scared. The only other option is to do nothing. Go ahead. Do nothing, but then don’t get upset when nothing good happens. Think and define what you want “it” to be. Keep it out front. You’ve got to feel it. You’ve got to say it – over and over again. See it in your mind’s eye, and in your heart. Put it on your mirror and any other surfaces where you spend significant time. And finally, you’ve got to start doing “it” – take small steps or a giant leap forward if you have to, but start moving forward… HOLDING ONTO FEAR JUST GETS IN THE WAY. Moonrise October 2015 PRSE Enterprises LC Turn it around and start creating a a new vision and then go for it! Just don’t forget to allow for flexibility. LET GO WHAT NO LONGER SERVES... Page 9