moodle FEB. 2014 | Page 2

Moodle Guides Next I highlight the Image URL which is at the top of the ‘Insert Image’ window. I then right-click it and choose ‘Copy.’ Once I’ve done this, I click ‘OK’ to insert the thumbnail image. Now I should see the image in the editing screen. I then click on the image to select it, and click the ‘Insert Web Link’ icon: This opens the ‘Insert Link’ window. Next I delete the ‘http://’ from the URL form field, and then paste in the Image URL I copied a moment ago. Then I scroll the cursor along to the end of the URL. The end of the URL will be the name of the thumbnail image – in this case, ‘blossom_thumb.jpg’. All I need to do is delete the ‘_thumb’ part so that the link instead goes to ‘blossom.jpg.’ Finally, I choose ‘New window’ from the Target drop-down menu. 2 Jessica Hewitt May 2011