Moodle Guides
Image Thumbnails – linking to large size images
If you need your students to be able to view
large size, higher quality images, you can use
the option ‘Link to a file or website’ to place
text links on the page which will open the
image when clicked.
However, another option is to display smaller thumbnails on the
Moodle page which can be clicked to open the full size image. It will
take a little more time to set up, but the end result will be more
The first step is to create the thumbnail size images. I used
Microsoft Office Picture Manager to shrink my original image
(blossom.jpg) to a much smaller size, and then saved it as
blossom_thumb.jpg. (Make sure you don’t save over the original!)
Next I need to upload both images to the Files section of my page.
It’s easiest later on if both the thumbnail image and the full size
image are in the same folder! It also helps if they have similar
names – e.g. ‘blossom’ and ‘blossom_thumb’.
Now I can return to the course page.
I then create a Label which will contain my thumbnail image. In the
Label editing screen, I click the ‘Insert image’ icon, and then choose
‘blossom_thumb.jpg’ from the file browser.
Jessica Hewitt May 2011