Associated Church Staff Directory
Interim Minister
Rev. Kathy Gibson Christensen
C) 952-893-0558 [email protected]
Parish Associate
Rev. Jim Oberg
H) 451-7036
[email protected]
Parish Nurse
Sandy Greenwood
H) 451-8858
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Tammy Johnson
W) 451-1546
[email protected]
Financial Coordinator
Dawn Zimmerman
W) 451-1546
[email protected]
Children’s Ministry Director
Eric Matejcek
C) 475-2760
[email protected]
Youth Ministry Director
Nicole Matejcek
C) 456-5671
[email protected]
Communication Coordinator
Tyler Cochran
C) 213-9374
[email protected]
Tom Schmidt
C) 213-6540
[email protected]
Assistant to the Custodian
Bryce Armstrong
C) 475-1608
[email protected]
Director of Music
Bev Cashman
H) 451-1234
[email protected]
Judy Thon-Jones
H) 451-0963
Cornerstone Director
Sue Leithold-Bowcock
H) 451-0418
Child Caregiver
Jenny Hager
Financial Update
$32.52 per Member - 2014
Denominational Support:
This year Associated will
support our parent denominations by sending $32.52
for each of our members.
To help meet this commitment, we invite and encourage you to consider giving a
special offering, above and
beyond your regular giving
to Associated, in the
amount of $32.52 for each
member in your household.
If you have already sent
YOU! If not, please consider doing so today.
Denominational Support:
A total of $3,142.44 has
been received to date for
2013. Just to let you know
we owe approximately
$15,500.00 per year.
Offering Envelopes:
If you ordered 2014 envelopes they are currently in
the Narthex.
Funding for Children &
Youth Ministry Coordinators and Parish Associate:
Members, please remember that we have three part
-time staff positions (the
Children’s & Youth Ministry
Coordinators and Parish
Associate) whose positions
were approved for transitional funding from the
Associated Endowment on
a three year trial basis. They
were being completely paid
for from the Endowment
and not current member
Electronic Giving:
We thank everyone who
has supported Associated
with their time, talent and
financial contributions. If
you need a convenient way
to make regular offerings
we encourage you to look
into our electronic giving
options. You may find electronic giving a good way to
make contributions. Please
contact the church office
for more information (507451-1546 or email Dawn at
Funding for the Youth and
Children’s positions expired
in March 2011. At that point,
the congregation will need
to be able to assume full
funding from our giving to
the General Fund. Your ad-
ditional support will be
needed now and future
years. Many thanks!
In Loving Memory of…
Joan Gillespie:
David & Julie Tripp
Evelyn Kaplan
Mary Overlee Olson
& Tom Olson
Norma Buxton
Adrienne Breiner
Joan Ebeling:
Viola Pittman
Kayla & Brett Oaape
Norma & Eugene Krell
Dale Hursh:
Virgina Thomas
Nancy Thomas
Ralph Behne:
Thomas & Lorna Staska
Steffany & Gregg Guidinger