You were born to move. You are meant to be wild and
free. Do not let yourself believe that you can only move
inside, under lights, among imperfect machines.
It is our hope that through these manuals you will learn
to see your environment differently. How will it feel to
move across that mountainside? Beneath that bridge?
hrough that emerald green grass? What does it mean
when the world becomes your gym?
Beyond this manual, let your body be your guide. Move
hard, but also move wisely. You are the only one who
knows when you must push on, and when you must
rest and plan the next battle.
monkii bars are simply a tool. They become something
much more, something magical, when powered by the
human spirit of adventure. Use them wisely to explore
your world as you endeavor to bring your workout
It’s an incredible feeling when you begin seeing the
world a little bit differently. Soon you’ll notice that as
you move through the environment around you, you
start asking yourself: Where can you setup monkii
bars? What movements can you complete? Where are
you inspired?
There are movements that are good to do regularly.
These movements are inherent to human anatomy and
function to serve us in a very primordial and exciting
way. Two movements in particular are the pushup and
the pullup. We can further break these movements into
‘pressing’ and ‘pulling’. Do these often, and you will
function at your best.
Each movement is made more challenging using monkii
bars due to the additional element required for
suspension workouts: stability. Every 4 years we watch