Set monkii bars to approximately chest-height. Stand with feet
directly under monkii bars and hold the bars so that your palms
are on top, facing the ground. With a slight bend in the elbow,
slowly lean forward and control your arms up so that your biceps
finish next to your ears. Use your abs and lats to return to the
starting position.
Wall Sit
With your back against a wall or tree, squat down so your legs are
just above parallel with the ground, and hold the position.
Wall Walk
Start in a Pushup position with your feet in contact with the wall.
Slowly walk your feet up the wall. Simultaneously, walk your hands
towards the wall keeping your arms fully locked-out in the process.
Walk your hands all the way to the wall so that only your nose and
toes are touching. Scale by limiting the distance that you walk.
Wide Grip Pushup
Hold monkii bars so that your hands are 4"– 6" inches wider than
a standard grip, and proceed as you would for a Pushup.
A course to be completed as prescribed. Click movement for video.
Click on any movement for video demonstration.