Reverse Fly
Set monkii bars to chest-height, with your back towards the
ground. Hold the bars with the arms fully extended and palms
facing one another. Squeeze the shoulders and pull the arms
apart into the “T-position.” Control back to the starting position.
Reverse Log Pull
Attach monkii bars to a log. While facing the log and holding
monkii bars, walk backwards while dragging the log with you.
Set monkii bars to waist-height, with your back towards the
ground. Grip the bars and lower yourself so that your arms are
fully extended. Engage your shoulders and pull yourself up so that
your thumbs are close to your armpits, creating a straight line
from your ankles to your shoulders.
Russian Twist
Sit on the ground with your back at a 45-degree angle to the
ground, and your feet slightly off of the ground. Rotate your entire
torso as if you were trying to look behind you to one side and
repeat on the other side.
A course to be completed as prescribed. Click movement for video.
Shuttle Sprint
Place Plugs at the prescribed distance apart. Sprint back and forth
to equal the distance indicated. Click movement for video.
Single Arm Pushup
Holding both monkii bars, keep one arm as straight as possible
as you lower yourself using the other arm into a Pushup.
Single-Arm Row
Using both monkii bars, set at approxiamtely waist-height, hold
with both hands and lower yourself so that the arms are fully
extended. Using one arm, pull back to the starting position
Click on any movement for video demonstration.