Moneta (Sep-October) Sep-Oct | Page 6

ISSUE NO: 17 rate so they will demand more goods and services in the market and to tackle this situation, supply should be increased otherwise inflation will take place the economy. There are two ways in which government can form policy to have the control on economic situation: 1. Tight monetary policy: It is used when economy is suffering from high inflation rate because it has higher amount of money in circulation. So, government would adopt various means and ways to withdraw excess money from economy by using tools such as increasing interest rates, selling securities in open market and to commercial banks, increasing the rate of minimum reserve to be kept SEP-OCT by commercial banks towards central bank, increasing the borrowing rates among banks themselves etc. 2. Loose monetary policy: It is used when economy is in recession because of lack of effective demand and lower amount of total money in circulation in economy. So, an apex bank would adopt various means and ways to inject more money in economy by using tools such as decreasing interest rates, decreasing the rate of minimum reserve to be kept by commercial banks towards central bank, decreasing the borrowing rates among banks themselves etc. Based on this policy has been framed and it will create positive impact on the whole economy. - By Bhumika Trivedi 4|Page